Elixir Care


Malaria Myths and Facts Debunked: Learn How to Prevent and Treat the Disease


Malaria is a life-threatening disease that is caused by the Plasmodium parasite and is transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. Despite being a well-known disease, there are still many myths surrounding malaria that can hinder efforts to prevent and treat it effectively. In this blog post, Elixir Care expert doctors will debunk some of the important Malaria myths and facts.

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Few Important Malaria Myths and Facts are discussed below:

  • Myth:  Malaria is only a problem in Africa.
  • Fact: While Africa accounts for the majority of malaria cases, the disease is also prevalent in many parts of Asia and Latin America.

  • Myth: Mosquito repellents are not effective in preventing malaria.
  • Fact: Mosquito repellents that contain DEET or picaridin are effective in preventing mosquito bites and reducing the risk of malaria transmission.

  • Myth: Only people who live in malaria-endemic areas are at risk of getting the disease.
  • Fact: Anyone who travels to a malaria-endemic area is at risk of getting the disease. Travelers should take preventive measures such as using insecticide-treated bed nets and taking anti-malaria medication.

  • Myth: Malaria can be transmitted through casual contact with an infected person.
  • Fact: Malaria is not a contagious disease and cannot be transmitted through casual contact with an infected person.

  • Myth: Malaria can be cured with antibiotics.
  • Fact: Malaria is caused by a parasite and cannot be cured with antibiotics. Effective treatment involves using antimalarial drugs.

  • Myth: Once you have had malaria, you cannot get it again.
  • Fact: While having malaria can provide some immunity to the disease, it is possible to

While there are effective treatments available, there has been ongoing research to develop a malaria vaccine that can prevent the disease or reduce its severity. Several vaccines have been developed and tested over the years, and some have shown promising results in clinical trials.

To know more about Malaria disease and its effects contact Elixir Care experts at:

Ph: +91 7338908323,  Visit: www.elixircare.net

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